
Le monde vu de la nuit.

Every night, the Earth is illuminated by billions of lights, which reveal the presence of humans to the universe and the secret of their activities and organisation to those who are informed ...


Scopitone : nature.

Although the 'cantography' of the Earth is not very abundant, it is sufficiently diverse to offer food for thought. Each song develops its own point of view on what it means by ...


Le Monde, comme si vous y étiez.

The topic of Milan’s World Expo 2015, “Feed the Planet” appears simultaneously mediocre, disputable, and complacent. Beyond this mixture of commerce, ecology and geopolitics, couldn’t we find there an indication that the ...


L’invention partagée.

L’avènement du Monde by Michel Lussault offers a substantial and innovative spatial theory of an object, the World. Space is addressed both as a technical system and a society, and each of ...


Vertiges du relativisme.

Relativism and universalism are two opposite but not antithetical views of the World. Relativism reflects the diversity of cultures and therefore allows to fight ethnocentrism, and makes controversies possible by denying that ...



Le monde de la géographie française a récemment vu ressurgir une notion vieille de deux décennies et peu usitée, celle d’antimonde. Pour Roger Brunet, son créateur, l’antimonde est « cette partie du ...
