
Tourisme gay et normativités sexuelles.

This paper aims at understanding the mechanisms behind Berlin’s attractiveness for gay tourists. With a focus on urban events and their representations, the article investigates the role taken by sexual normativities in ...


Contacts par homologie ?

The article deals with the long-term evolution of social relationships in tourism contexts. Based on the socio-historical study of a seaside resort in North-East Brazil and the interactions between pioneering tourism entrepreneurs ...


Ethnologues et touristes au papier calque.

Based on a considerable fieldwork experience in Mali, this paper aims to analyze the ethnologist's responsibilities towards various actors taking part in tourism encounters. From similarities between anthropologists and tourists, I intend ...


Entre tourisme et éthique.

L’auteur approche le tourisme équitable et solidaire comme une forme d’action politique cristallisant les enjeux relatifs à l’engagement et à la politisation qui ont émergé dans le sillage de ce qu’il est ...


Le pré-texte photographique.

From April 2011, the 6th till July 2011, the 2nd an exhibition was presented at the Institut des Cultures d’Islam (Ici) in Paris. Named The Goutte d’Or, it showed photographs taken by ...
