Agrandir la parole des habitants.
This paper proposes a return visit. It describes an ethnographic field investigation in La Duchère, a public housing estate in Lyon concerned by an urban renewal programme, during the 2000s. Taking a ...
This paper proposes a return visit. It describes an ethnographic field investigation in La Duchère, a public housing estate in Lyon concerned by an urban renewal programme, during the 2000s. Taking a ...
In the face of climate change and its impacts, societies have developed a series of operational tools and concepts that have allowed them to take account of the evolution of this issue. ...
La participation en actes is part of the pragmatic research in social sciences, which argues on the improvement of the classical model of participatory democracy. By exposing the experiences of the actors ...
In recent years, in the field of participatory urban politics, many political philosophers and social scientists have pointed out the need to decenter formal discourse and argumentation and to enhance more « ...
Jean-Loup Amselle, anthropologue atypique, volontiers critique à l’égard de sa propre discipline, continue de poursuivre son analyse des pathologies de l’Occident et de déconstruire les illusions qui nous portent à fuir un ...
Cette recherche pose l’hypothèse de la construction de cartographies orientées au projet d’architecture du territoire. Le but est de produire des cartes qui puissent indiquer des règles de participation à l’échelle territoriale, ...
L’ébullition militante de ces quinze dernières années a connu un renouveau de l’art engagé en son sein ou à sa lisière. La place de l’art et de la culture dans les formes ...