
Scopitone : nature.

For some, the Earth is a whole that stands as a principle of solidarity between all its cohabitants. Others see it rather as a piece of land that qualifies, or even identifies, ...


Scopitone : nature.

Water, as an element of nature, whether it is raining or snowing, inspires songs in very different ways. And this suggests that there is no one nature, but that everyone understands and ...


Scopitone : nature.

As an element of nature, the "sun" is in the title of some French songs. The star can be the occasion to take up themes specific to classical Western poetry. But, in ...


Des virus et notre humanité

Cet article est proposé par le rhizome Chôros. Pour expliquer la dynamique de la pandémie du Sars-CoV-2 de 2020, de nombreux « facteurs » simples ont été proposés : l’âge ou des prédispositions génétiques des patients, ...
