Odyssées minuscules.
The ordinary people’s daily life is full of adventures and misadventures, but less and less of tragedies. This is the consequence of the growing density of the interactions they perform with their ...
The ordinary people’s daily life is full of adventures and misadventures, but less and less of tragedies. This is the consequence of the growing density of the interactions they perform with their ...
The work of Armelle Choplin and Olivier Pliez addresses globalisation under an original survey method, leading to an unconventional conclusion. The authors follow the flow of commodities, from Africa to China, and ...
The transnational turn has renewed both the history of anarchism and the sociology of social movements. The purpose of this article is, by considering the international anarchist congress of London (1881), to ...
This article analyzes a contemporary change in the spatial dimension of heritage, characterized by a twofold process of territorialization and deterritorialization. It shows that the territorialization of heritage has changed in scale ...
This book review brings together two recent essays written by geographers Jacques Lévy and Michel Lussault. It suggests we see in them an appropriable answer to questions usually asked in terms of ...
Science sociale rare et à fort ticket d’entrée, la linguistique dans son interaction avec les autres sciences sociales apporte beaucoup à la connaissance des sociétés — tant d’un point de vue théorique ...
In this article, Geneva, a small world city that is facing a significant economic and demographic growth, is examined with the help of a map where spatial distribution of Anglo-Saxon and Portuguese ...
L’auteur approche le tourisme équitable et solidaire comme une forme d’action politique cristallisant les enjeux relatifs à l’engagement et à la politisation qui ont émergé dans le sillage de ce qu’il est ...
L’objet de cet article est de montrer, à partir de l’exemple du Boeing787, la complexité des questions liées à la mondialisation, en particulier la nature des interdépendances économiques qui résultent des choix ...