Le rythme : une des formes concrètes du temps.
Rhythm is certainly one of the concrete shapes of time. The Manifesto for a Politics of Rhythm develops a convincing argument on the power of the rhythmic approach to confront the pathologies ...
Rhythm is certainly one of the concrete shapes of time. The Manifesto for a Politics of Rhythm develops a convincing argument on the power of the rhythmic approach to confront the pathologies ...
The aim is to grasp the question of rhythms through an anthropological approach to the experience of urban time as it has emerged from various surveys conducted in Paris and its metropolitan ...
This essay proposes an exploratory reflection of the heuristic potential of the notion of rhythm, and more precisely that of urban rhythms – a reflection that allows us to examine the relationships ...
This article aims at understanding how the urban dweller experiments the heterogeneity that emerges from the density and diversity of urban space. Two classical propositions are presented : Simmel’s figure of the ...
Mobility issues do not only involve the act of moving nowadays. The concept itself evolves continuously thanks to technological and social innovations. The main stakes do not focus anymore on improving speed, ...
This article analyzes the different ways of conducting ethnographic investigations that are proposed in the book Du civil au politique. Ethnographies du vivre-ensemble by Mathieu Berger, Daniel Cefaï and Carole Gayet-Viaud. Firstly, ...
L’ethnographie institutionnelle que propose Dorothy Smith vise à cartographier les médiations textuelles, tout à la fois matérielles et symboliques, qui coordonnent à distance les différents sites d’activité et « arrachent » l’individu ...