
The Works heading gathers theoretical or methodological research papers that contribute to epistemological thinking in the social sciences and other fields of knowledge.

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The article deals with the long-term evolution of social relationships in tourism contexts. Based on the socio-historical study of a seaside resort in North-East Brazil and the interactions between pioneering tourism entrepreneurs ...


Prétopologie et espaces habités.

This text presents the contribution of mathematical pretopology to the understanding of the morphology of inhabited spaces, although it can be applied to any type of space. The use of pretopology explains ...


L’événement anthropocène.

Today’s sciences are used to deal with novelty by two principal ways. First, they may take it as a new step in the evolution of a system. Second, they may consider that ...


Ethnologues et touristes au papier calque.

Based on a considerable fieldwork experience in Mali, this paper aims to analyze the ethnologist's responsibilities towards various actors taking part in tourism encounters. From similarities between anthropologists and tourists, I intend ...
