
The Publications section contains all items published in the journal by date of publication.

Les carrefours migratoires mondiaux.

For many international migrants coming from West and Central Asia and heading for Western Europe, the Black Sea is a reference space. This paper specifically discusses two groups : the Balotchis from ...


Traverser l’espace.

This work is about the “traverser” as a scientific notion. It is understood as the stacking of rhythms and spatial figures. Building a relation between space of departure and arrival through a ...


Les traversées du quotidien.

Supposedly fluid, continuous and transparent, contemporary societies are in fact societies which divide, separate and cross boundaries. Micro-geography focuses on the numerous transformations that are part of daily life and have generated ...


Espace et spatialités du traverser.

This paper justifies “le traverser” as a scientific notion ; it argues that it can be defined as the social validation of spatial practices organized a posteriori. ”Le traveser” is a process ...


Des acteurs en quête de marché.

Cet article analyse la place de la gare TGV dans le projet de renouvellement urbain de Saint-Étienne Châteaucreux, en envisageant les stratégies des acteurs publics (essentiellement les collectivités locales) et privés (essentiellement ...


Quand la projection tourne mal.

La question de la médiation textuelle des relations régulatoires et de leur circulation publique est au cœur de la sociologie développée par Dorothy E. Smith. Dans une veine praxéologique et phénoménologique, sa ...


Le village, une passion française.

Succeeding to the previous community of the rather rough but solidary borough of Cadenet in the Luberon, a variegated new world has taken place, where individuals, social categories and mental universes coexist ...
