
The Publications section contains all items published in the journal by date of publication.

Avec quoi n’êtes-vous pas d’accord?

En janvier 2013, se tenait à Rolle, la ville où réside Jean-Luc Godard — un cinéaste qui se voue inlassablement à n’être d’accord avec personne —, un séminaire du Programme doctoral Architecture et Sciences ...


Imintanout, lieu de pensée.

The series of pedagogical films Thinking Places/Lieux pensants, directed by Jacques Lévy, is structured around ten questions. The interviewer was Jacques Lévy, the interviewee Augustin Berque, and the place Imintanout, at the ...


The impossible here.

« Grain upon grain, one by one, and one day, suddenly, there’s a heap, a little heap, the impossible heap. »Beckett, Endgame (1957)Paleontology, as taught in schools and to the general public, sometimes produces ...


Lived time and space.

The Time Machine. When Frederic Kaplan presented his “Venice Time Machine” project at the TEDxCaFoscariU event1 in Venice in June 2013, he started with a Google satellite image showing the world, stressing ...


Mapping Urban Intelligence.

The texts of this Traversal are position papers. They have been written in the prospect of a conference that will take place in July 2014, organised at Laval University, Quebec, by the ...
