
The Publications section contains all items published in the journal by date of publication.

La mémoire faite trajet.

Cet article rouvre la question de l’art de la mémoire en la mettant à l’épreuve de la reprise actuelle d’une pratique ancienne, la transmission orale du conte. Une des difficultés rencontrées par ...


Un temps et un lieu pour vieillir ?

Aging is a natural process. Yet, we often associate it with a final stage and therefore focus on the problems of advanced age. Becoming old is thus nothing else than getting closer ...


L’autonomie entre pensée et action.

François Dosse’s biography of Cornelius Castoriadis proceeds from in-depth work on the archives of Castoriadis, which helps the reader grasp the framework of the philosopher’s conceptual production. The group and journal Socialisme ...


Faut-il faire aimer la ville ?

This multi-authored work gathers various contributions which focus on the “emotional relationship people have with cities”. In an approach that is both poetic and relational, the authors — mainly urban planners and ...


Deleuze bashing.

Social sciences sometimes quote philosophers in order to provide a basis for their theories. They quote Gilles Deleuze very often, but Deleuze says that he doesn’t care about being coherent. So why ...


Comments on Schatzki’s text.

Schatzki’s analysis of social practices relies on a very clear idea, which is expressed at the beginning of the text, as follows : Because the relationship between practices and material arrangements is so ...
