Little Big Things

Little Big Things is a new section, proposed by the Chôros rhizome (, in partnership with Its purpose is to address a micro-event or a seemingly minor importance reality and to explore how far they can be approached as a total social fact. It is a “nothing” that might be better understood if connected to the big whole. This little thing is, then, not so little anymore.


Billions of ‘connected objects’ give new leverages for an ontological blurring between humans and things. The discussion should be taken back to basics in a context where actors, environments, and material or ...



Bedbugs and Covid-19 are two seemingly unrelated phenomena. Except for one: their common and similar capacity to make us go crazy. These two plagues, which nothing seems to bring together, pull in ...


Sens interdits.

The Covid pandemic has changed the way we handle social interactions. Senses that used to be engaged such as sight (masks), and touch (social distancing) can no longer be used in the ...
