Observer pour inventer : la ville d’après
Avec l’apport du rhizome Chôros. Presque 40 ans après, imaginons ce que serait le carrefour Mabillon sous la plume de Perec : “19 mai 2020. 3, 4, non 5 SUV défilent, les conducteurs ...
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The Laboratory heading gathers works in progress with a focus on exploration or conceptual construction.
Avec l’apport du rhizome Chôros. Presque 40 ans après, imaginons ce que serait le carrefour Mabillon sous la plume de Perec : “19 mai 2020. 3, 4, non 5 SUV défilent, les conducteurs ...
Cet article s’inscrit dans le champ de recherche des pratiques de mobilités quotidiennes enfantines étudiées à travers des traces numériques issues de capteurs (géolocalisation, audiovisuels) et enrichies d’informations sémantiques et contextuelles. Nous ...
This article aims to return to the conceptual framework and methodology used to individually objectify, while socially analysing, the relationship to space of people who have suffered acquired brain damage. Moving from ...
What do the approaches in terms of "Mobility Biographies Research" and "Travel Socialization Studies" teach us about mobility choices over biographical trajectories? Particularly widespread in recent years, research using one or the ...
In response to the formula of “mal-habiter” proposed by O. Lazzarotti, X. Bernier and J. Levy (2020), the author puts forward the hypothesis of “malaise dans l’habiter”, with particular reference to theories ...
Living with a disability involves handling many costs that the general population is not aware of, which have recently been denounced in the online #CripTax campaign. Those costs can be split into ...
Based on a doctoral thesis, this article aims to explore how to capture and report on the differentiated socializations that lead to inequalities in cycling mobility opportunities. This ambition has led to ...
L’article mobilise la notion de rythme pour analyser la relation qui se noue entre l'individu et son environnement dans la pratique spatiale mobile de l'itinérance récréative, qui aboutit souvent, dans le cas ...
Our societies appear increasingly polarized between the camp of the advocates of "de-globalization" and that of the relentless globalists. Such polarization obscures, by caricaturing it, the complexity of the challenge of human ...
The actors, tools, discourses, practices related to the field of self-development have thrived since the early twenties in the United States and in Europe, as a response to societies’ will to live ...
This article encourages us to reflect on the existence of undisciplined rhythms, that is to say the personal manners to flow that come into tension with the tone of a given situation ...
As polysemous and intangible as the notion of "rhythm" might be, one must note its capacity to make diverse disciplines (such as geography, literature, biology, dance, sociology or economy) work and speak ...
Conventional statistical data rarely provide information on the different "present populations" that coexist in cities and in regions so as to be able to separate, for example, tourists from permanent residents. It ...
This paper offers a comparative analysis of two interdisciplinary projects built on the same principle. The first experience lasted four years (from 2009 to 2013), the second started a year ago (January ...
The topic of Milan’s World Expo 2015, “Feed the Planet” appears simultaneously mediocre, disputable, and complacent. Beyond this mixture of commerce, ecology and geopolitics, couldn’t we find there an indication that the ...