In the air

The In the air heading gathers texts about the social sciences in their current state and context.

Transitory cultures.

Europe is going through a crisis that the media present as major, the so-called “migrant” or “refugee crisis”. With the terrorist attacks, the numerous wars in the Near East and Middle East, ...


Deleuze bashing.

Social sciences sometimes quote philosophers in order to provide a basis for their theories. They quote Gilles Deleuze very often, but Deleuze says that he doesn’t care about being coherent. So why ...


The future of scientific journals.

On the occasion of its one hundredth issue (“Faire des sciences sociales du politique”, Politix, 100, 2012/4), the journal Politix offers a series of retrospective points of view following three contributions: one ...

23.04.2013 goes for a new look in 2013 ! wishes you a happy festive season and the Editorial Committee takes this opportunity to thank you for your loyalty. Thanks to you, continues to draw some 40’000 visits every month ...


Rendez-vous en 2012 !

Le Comité de rédaction et le Pôle éditorial vous souhaitent d’excellentes fêtes et profitent de cette occasion pour vous remercier de votre fidélité. Grâce à vos contributions, continue d’attirer quelque 40 ...


Europe et géographie, l’une avec l’autre.

Dans Honeymoons, une coproduction albano-serbe sortie en 2009, Goran Paskalievic expose la bêtise du nationalisme, notamment celle qui, opposant Serbes et Albanais, a enflammé une partie des Balkans du milieu des années ...
