Le village, une passion française.
Succeeding to the previous community of the rather rough but solidary borough of Cadenet in the Luberon, a variegated new world has taken place, where individuals, social categories and mental universes coexist ...
Succeeding to the previous community of the rather rough but solidary borough of Cadenet in the Luberon, a variegated new world has taken place, where individuals, social categories and mental universes coexist ...
In this book, Jacques Lucan takes us through the complexities that underlie large real estate projects, in Paris and other large cities, and interrogates the issues involved (diversity, sustainability…) as well as ...
The book edited by Julien Talpin and Yves Sintomer is a good opportunity to analyse the plurality of participatory scales. The Poitou-Charentes region is often considered as the cradle of participatory democracy ...
At a time of debates on immigration and integration and on the role played by the family in these processes, Gender, Generations and the Family in International Migration provides new data for ...
In 2012, “Raisons pratiques” published an issue that compiled several case studies showing the relevance of a pragmatist approach of public life. The critical review of this work gives us the opportunity ...
Michael Nielsen s'interroge sur les effets d'Internet sur les pratiques scientifiques contemporaines. À l'aide de quelques exemples emblématiques (Polymath Project, Galaxy Zoo et Wikipédia), il montre que les innovations les plus rapidement ...
Dans Philosophie des jeux vidéo, Mathieu Triclot apporte un éclairage subtil et novateur sur un aspect de la société de l’information trop souvent marginalisé ou passé sous silence. En partant de l’expérience ...
Schwick, Jaeger, Kienast and Bertiller have attempted to measure urban sprawl for the first time in Switzerland and evaluate its evolution over the past 50 years. In recent years, urban sprawl has ...
Le dernier Roman de Pierre Assouline retrace le parcours de Georges Pâques, un haut fonctionnaire français, gaulliste de droite, qui travailla durant deux décennies pour les services secrets soviétiques. L’auteur dépeint avec ...
Space is said to be « the dark side of thought » in continental philosophy. It is an extended substance thought by a thinking substance confined in a limited body. The problem ...
Au moment où les cultures visuelles connaissent un déploiement spectaculaire, certains travaux photographiques connaissent une forte popularité, en lien avec ce dont peuvent témoigner les vues aériennes. Ici, le dernier travail publié ...
This book review is an opportunity to look back on the contribution of pragmatist sociology. The case studies discussed by the authors allow us to reflect on the complexity of a school ...
La parution récente de deux livres concernant les risques dits naturels, associés aux inondations, incite à comparer les approches systémiques et non systémiques que mobilisent les chercheurs sur la question. D’un côté, ...
What is the current relevance of a critical social theory ? By broadly reconstructing the path that the Frankfurt School has taken from its origins in the late 1920s until today and ...
John Parkinson argues in his new book, Democracy and Public Space, that the physicality of public spaces matters for the quality of democracies. Drawing on deliberative democracy ideas, he shows why and ...