
The Books heading gathers critical reviews of selected social-sciences books.

Une architecture des frontières.

In Une topologie du quotidien, Georges Teyssot positions himself as an architect of borders. The border is studied under various angles : physical, ontological, epistemological. This analysis stems from an initial observation that ...


« Je suis Ferrare. »

Between images and anthropology, from films to inhabitants, the book explores, in the form of a dialogue – which is even better – one of the first questions of dwelling, from the ...


Un drôle de Sujet ?

On the basis of his latest book, Policies of Enmity, recently published by La Découverte, this contribution questions the centrality of the notion of subject in the work of Achille Mbembe. Confronted ...


Méduse face à Gaïa.

This review describes the intellectual battle that Bruno Latour engages against the Moderns in his new book Face à Gaïa, huit conferences sur le nouveau régime climatique. He uses the icon of ...


La re-cherche, un roman ?

Diane Meur’s book claims to be a novel about the descending genealogy of the Enlightenment philosopher Moses Mendelssohn, but the narrative is also about the author’s quest. Therefore, the book offers its ...
