Des ignorants qui s’ignorent ?
By the originality of the theme and the approach, the work covering the period 1755-1900, is indeed that of Alain Corbin. Passing the discussions on the notion of ignorance, it opens up ...
By the originality of the theme and the approach, the work covering the period 1755-1900, is indeed that of Alain Corbin. Passing the discussions on the notion of ignorance, it opens up ...
Our lifestyles and the urban spaces in which we operate are the theater for the development of multiple and increasing forms of saturation. The texts gathered in this book search to identify, ...
The eighth volume of Castoriadis’ political writings sheds light on the relationship between economy and imaginary. By carrying out an accurate editorial work, Enrique Escobar, Myrto Gondicas and Pascal Vernay extracted comments, ...
Ces deux volumes sont le fruit de quatre ateliers tenus entre 2015 et 2017 à Ouidah (Benin), à Ota (Nigeria), à Ouagadougou (Burkina-Faso) et à Niamey (Niger), à l’initiative principale du LASDEL ...
Guillaume Drevon's book addresses the issue of daily mobility. This question allows him to experiment with some methodological approaches, in particular those based on the study of rhythms, « rhythmology ».
Etienne Anheim’s book is the published version of the synthesis thesis constituting his authorization to direct research, supported in 2015. By questioning the historian’s profession in the continuity of Marc Bloch’s work, ...
What is consumption ? How to write its history ? Who consumes what in France ? In what way ? Can we speak of a vast democratization movement ? La révolution matérielle. ...
En quête d’Afrique(s). The difference highlighted by the alternative naming of the African continent as "Africa" or "Africas" – singular or plural – announces the depth of the dispute between our two ...
A major factor in the current turbulence of global society, the power of weakness would undermine the realistic reading of international relations. The failure of the Westphalian model would give way to ...
The environmental and societal problems that humanity faces seem to emphasize always more emphatically the contradictory character of property as an act of exclusion and domination, if one is to respond to ...
Our century is said to be the century of technological innovation. However, many publications contest the benefits of technology ! Has this contestation any significant impact in such a context ? What ...
The book repeats four lectures, given in several countries of former Yugoslavia, as well as in the United States, between 2014 and 2015, which allowed the author to rethink time as a ...
The purpose of the article is to analyze the characteristics of an experience of institutional violence suffered by a woman who became president of the University of the West Indies and Guiana. ...
Cet ouvrage à la taille importante retrace une recherche (ANR HERO) portant sur le phénomène de l’héroïne en France, pendant la période 1960-2000. Au travers d’un travail interdisciplinaire conjuguant les apports de ...
This review of the book Théorie de la justice spatiale. Géographies du juste et de l’injuste attempts to identify some of the workings of the writing exercise that such a volume stands ...