Mélanie Duval

Mélanie Duval is a junior researcher in geography (Laboratory Edytem) and an affiliated researcher to the Rock Art Research Institute (University of the Witwatersand, Johannesburg, South Africa). Her research focuses on the heritage processes of natural and/or cultural geographical objects (protected areas, rock art sites). Her aim is to analyse the heritage values that are mobilized by the various stakeholders, and the valorization and tourist development issues. In order to identify territorial trajectories, her approach is comparative, crossing French and international areas : the Ardèche’s gorges area, valley of the Vézère in France ; the uKhahlamba-Drakensberg mountains in South Africa.

L’outil-frise, dispositif d’étude interdisciplinaire du changement territorial.

Cet article propose de tirer les enseignements de l’élaboration et l’expérimentation, par un groupe de travail pluridisciplinaire du LabEx ITEM, d’un dispositif méthodologique transdisciplinaire et d’un outil-frise, autour d’une approche processuelle des ...
