Gérard Martial Amougou

Gérard Amougou holds a doctorate in political and social sciences from the University of Liège and a doctorate in political science from the University of Yaoundé II. His research focuses on human rights and political development in Africa, individualization/subjectivization and the problematic of the individual subject. He is currently a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Yaoundé II, in the project “The Developmental State Strikes Back ? The Rise of New Global Powers and African States’ Development Strategies”. This research program is financed jointly by the Swiss National Fund for Scientific Research (FNS) and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA). Gérard Amougou is a researcher at CERDAP (UYII), Paul Ango Ela Foundation (Yaoundé) and South Pole (ULiège). He is also a visiting researcher at the CriDIS/SMAG (UCL) and a founding member of the Dynamique de Recherche en Sciences Politiques et Sociales (DReSPS).

Un drôle de Sujet ?

On the basis of his latest book, Policies of Enmity, recently published by La Découverte, this contribution questions the centrality of the notion of subject in the work of Achille Mbembe. Confronted ...


Une approche autre de l’individualité.

Si la question de l’individualisation reste largement à écrire au sein des sociétés occidentales, le traitement de l’individualité dans le Reste-du-monde semble davantage pressant. L’ouvrage collectif dirigé par Emmanuel Lozerand esquisse un ...
