Florent Chossière

Florent Chossière is a PhD candidate in geography at the University of Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée, associated with the research team ACP (Analyse Comparée des Pouvoirs). His doctoral research deals with people claiming asylum in France on the basis of their sexual orientation or gender identity. He’s a member of the research group JEDI (Justice, Espace, Discriminations, Inégalités) from the LABEX « Urban Futures », and a co-director of « Altérités, Marginalités, Catégorisations », a junior laboratory at ENS Lyon.

Tourisme gay et normativités sexuelles.

This paper aims at understanding the mechanisms behind Berlin’s attractiveness for gay tourists. With a focus on urban events and their representations, the article investigates the role taken by sexual normativities in ...
