Christel Gumy

Christel Gumy is a historian of science and medicine. As part of her PhD thesis, she developed a social and cultural history of the adolescent brain from a gender perspective. She analyzed the way cognitive and developmental neurosciences, an evolutionary vision of adolescence and public health concerns about youth participate in the construction of a cerebral adolescence defined by its immaturity and propensity to take risks. More generally, she develops a critical reflection on the social and cultural neurosciences, particularly on the terms that govern the interdisciplinarity between neurosciences and the humanities and social sciences.

Picturing Teenage Feelings.

Les recherches en neurosciences qui utilisent des sets de photographies d’expression faciale dans le but de tester par IRMf les réactions émotionnelles des adolescent⋅e⋅s ont participé à établir un modèle neurobiologique de ...
