Agnès Bergeret

Agnès Bergeret, a social anthropologist, is currently working on the transformations of the apparatus and institutions of agricultural activities and the ways in which the narratives of the different actors involved in this process can complement each other. In her PhD at the IHEAL CREDA, she studied social change in Maya-Q’eqchi’ communities of peasant farmers. In her post-doctoral research at the Labex ITEM, she examines the various epistemological approaches that social and human sciences adopt with regard to change and proposes to facilitate interdisciplinary dialogue on a process-based approach through the multi-level timeline.

L’outil-frise, dispositif d’étude interdisciplinaire du changement territorial.

Cet article propose de tirer les enseignements de l’élaboration et l’expérimentation, par un groupe de travail pluridisciplinaire du LabEx ITEM, d’un dispositif méthodologique transdisciplinaire et d’un outil-frise, autour d’une approche processuelle des ...
