Abstract | Bibliography | Notes


The institutionalization and the internationalization of the social sciences and humanities

Final conference of the European Project Interco SSH: International Cooperation in the Social Sciences and Humanities: Comparative Historical Perspectives and Future Possibilities.

The program, lead by the CNRS (France) and funded by the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/20072013) under grant agreement n° 319974 (Interco-SSH) is coordinated by Gisèle Sapiro (CNRS, EHESS, Cessp). It gathers 7 partner institutions: CNRS, France; Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna, Italy; Cambridge University, UK; Erasmus University Rotterdam, Pays Bas; University of Graz, Austria; John Wesley Theological College, Hungary; National Scientific and Technical Research Council, Argentina.


Thursday February 23, 2017

9:00 – 9:30.

  • Welcome address. Jean-Louis Briquet(CNRS, CESSP)
  • Philippe Keraudren (European Commission)
  • Gisèle Sapiro (CNRS-EHES, CESSP)

(De-)Institutionalization of the SSH

9:30 – 9:45. Introduction. Christian Fleck (University of Graz), Victor Karady (CEU).

9:45 – 11 :15. Chair: Peter Wagner (University of Barcelona).

  • Christian Fleck and Matthias Duller (University of Graz): Germany’s coming to term with its past as the blueprint for the analysis of the development of the SSH.
  • Rob Timans and Johan Heilbron (Erasmus University, Rotterdam): The SSH in the Netherlands: intellectual and institutional convergence in a peripheral country.
  • Mikael BorjessonDonald Broady and Tobias Dalberg (University of Uppsala): A reversed order. Expansion and differentiation of Social Sciences and Humanities in Sweden 1945–2015

11:15-11:30: Coffee break

11:30 – 13:00. Chair: Craig Calhoun (Berggruen Institute).

  • Gisèle SapiroEric Brun and Clarisse Fordant (CNRS, CESSP): The SSH in France: institutionalization, autonomization, and professionalization.
  • Patrick Baert(University of Cambridge): The SSH in the UK: Historical patterns and current challenges.
  • Leonora Dugonjic(CNRS, CESSP): The growth of SSH in the United States: a socio-historical perspective.

13:00-14:30: Lunch break

14:30 – 16:30. Chair: Christian Topalov (EHESS).  

  • Marco Santoro and Barbara Grüning (University of Bologna): The SSH in Italy: institutionalization, bureaucratization and tribalization.
  • Victor Karady and Péter Tibor Nagy (CEU): The Social Sciences in Hungary. A case of State obstructed, State controlled and State sponsored development to normal sciences.
  • Gustavo Sorá and Fernanda Beigel (CONICET): SSH in Argentina: arduous institutionalization, recent expansion and intra-national asymmetries.
  • Afrânio Garcia(EHESS, CNRS, CESSP): Graduate programs, national agencies and international foundations: renewal of social sciences in Brazil since the 1960s.

16:30-16:45: Coffee break

16:45 – 18:00.Round table, The future of the SSH. Chair: Ingrid Holtey (Univ. of Bielefeld).

  • Patrick Baert(University of Cambridge),
  • Christian Fleck(University of Graz),
  • Pierre-Cyrille Hautcoeur(EHESS),
  • Gustavo Sorá(CONICET).

Friday February 24, 2017

Patterns of Internationalization of the SSH

9:30 – 9:45. Introduction. Johan Heilbron (Erasmus University, Rotterdam) and Gustavo Sorá (CONICET). 

9:45 – 11:15: The international circulation of knowledge through translation. Chair: Joseph Jurt (University of Freiburg).  

  • Gisèle Sapiro and Hélène Seiler-Juilleret (CNRS, CESSP): Patterns of circulation of academic books in translation.
  • Gustavo Sorá and Alejandro Dujovne (CONICET): Translations of academic books in Argentina. A comparative study of translations from French, English, German, Italian and Portuguese.
  • Rafael Schögler (University of Graz): Paratexts in SSH Translations: Guiding Circulation.

11:15-11:30: Coffee break

11:30 – 12:30. North-South relationships. Chair: Jean-Louis Fabiani (CEU).

  • Laurent JeanpierreThomas Brisson (Paris 8 University): Assessing the role of contemporary Western sociology in North-East Asia (South Korea, Japan).
  • Tristan Leperlier (CNRS, CESSP): Postcolonial internationalization of Algerian SSH researchers.

12:30-14:00: Lunch break

14:00 – 15:30.The European research space. Chair: Didier Georgakakis (Paris 1 University, CESSP).  

  • Johan Heilbronand Thibaud Boncourt (CNRS, CESSP): The emergence of a European research space.
  • Johan Heilbron,Madeline Bedecarré (CNRS, CESSP) and Rob Timans (Erasmus University, Rotterdam): What is a European journal in the SSH?
  • Thibaud Boncourt (CNRS, CESSP): Are there European Social Sciences? What professional associations tell us about the structure of the social sciences in Europe.

15:30-16:00: Coffee break

16:00-17:30:Round table, Towards a European Research Area. Chair: Gisèle Sapiro (CNRS, CESSP).

  • Johan Heilbron (Erasmus University, Rotterdam),
  • Philippe Keraudren (European Commission),
  • Victor Karady (CEU), Marco Santoro (university of Bologna),
  • Didier Georgakakis (Paris 1 University, CESSP).

Saturday February 25, 2017

The international circulation of paradigms, theories and methods.

9:30 – 9:45. Introduction. Patrick Baert (University of Cambridge) and Marco Santoro (University of Bologna). 

9:45 – 11:15:The circulation of paradigms and theories. Chair: Ingrid Holtey (University of Bielefeld).   

  • Claudio Paolucci(University of Bologna): The world of Semiotics. Research, teaching, and occupations.
  • Lucile Dumont (CNRS, CESSP): The international circulation of literary theory: a French-American case study.
  • Marco Santoro and Barbara Grüning (University of Bologna): Crossing disciplines across countries. On the supposed “Britishness” of Cultural Studies and their “translation” in Italy, France and Germany.  

11:15-11:30: Coffee break

11:30 – 13:00.The circulation of methods and controversies. Chair: Yves Gingras (UQAM).

  • Mathieu Hauchecorne (Paris 8 University): The transnational making of “public economics.” The contribution of American, British and French economists to the theoretical analysis of State intervention.
  • Rob Timans (Erasmus University, Rotterdam): The (non) diffusion of Multiple Correspondence Analysis.
  • Clarisse Fordant (CNRS, CESSP): The traceability of racial and ethnic origins in the US, the UK and France: National academic traditions and circulation of policy models.

13:00-14:30: Lunch break

14:30 – 16:00.The international reception of key thinkers I. Chair: Frédérique Matonti (Paris 1 University, CESSP).  

  • Barbara Grüning (University of Bologna): Arendt between disciplines. The troubled canonization of Arendt in Germany and Italy.
  • Mariani Canavese (CONICET): The Foucault effect in Argentina.
  • Constantin Brissaud and Jean-Michel Chahsiche (CNRS, CESSP): How to become an international intellectual? Thomas Piketty and The Capital in the 21st century.

16:00-16:15: Coffee break

16:15-17:15:The international reception of key thinkers II. Chair: Anna Boschetti (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice).  

  • Amine Brahimi and Clarisse Fordant (CNRS, CESSP): The disciplinary and transnational circulation of a “traveling theory”. The reception of Edward Said’s work in the francophone academic space.
  • Thomas Brisson (CNRS, CESSP): The reception of Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak in France: (why) was it so complicated to translate the Postcolonial Studies?

17:15-18:00: Concluding panel. Chair: Jean-Louis Fabiani (CEU).

  • Craig Calhoun (Berggruen Institute),
  • Yves Gingras (UQAM),
  • Gisèle Sapiro (CNRS, CESSP),
  • Peter Wagner (University of Barcelona).


Final conference of the European Project Interco SSH: International Cooperation in the Social Sciences and Humanities: Comparative Historical Perspectives and Future Possibilities. The program, lead by the CNRS (France) and funded by the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/20072013) under grant agreement n° 319974 (Interco-SSH) is coordinated by Gisèle Sapiro (CNRS, EHESS, Cessp). It gathers 7 ...





