Abstract | Bibliography | Notes


Digital Thinking in Architecture, Civil Engineering, Archaeology, Urban Planning and Design : Finding the Ways.

[Call for papers] 29 march 2007.

New digital cultures bring inevitable changes to our world and to the techniques, research methods and practices of design. The computer technology transforms slowly but surely the professions of environmental planning, architecture, archaeology and design. In recent years, we witness the emergence of digital methods using computer not only for facilitating technical tasks, but also to analyse project’s performance or amplify the creative thinking of designers. Educating the future professionals has become a real challenge due to the clash between fast developing technology and slower evolving new design thinking and values redefinition. Confronting multi-disciplinary theoretical, teaching and practice experiences at the Europia11, will help finding the ways to the future of design.

The EuropIA Conferences are organized as a cross-platform for the study and analysis of the application of the information, communication and computer technologies to architecture, archaeology, building engineering, civil engineering, urban design and policy analysis. What makes this conference unique is the interaction of different disciplines regarding their approach, methods and techniques for the application of advanced technologies. Specifics of disciplines are not the subject of the conference but serve as cases. Cross-platform discussions and interactions help to enhance scope of these technologies beyond their existing application limits. Furthermore, we seek a discussion of terms and conditions for introducing new tools (offered by the latest technology developments) and new strategies (required by the inevitable changes of the professional and educational working environments of architecture, archaeology, building engineering, civil engineering, urban design and policy analysis).

More details : website.

La pensée numérique en Architecture, Génie Civil, Archéologie, Urbanisme et Design : Nouvelles Perspectives (appel à contribution, retour avant le 29 mars 2007).

Les nouvelles cultures numériques entraînent d’inévitables mutations dans notre monde ainsi que dans nos techniques, méthodes de recherches et pratiques du design. Les technologies informatiques transforment lentement mais sûrement les professions dans les domaines de l’architecture, du génie civil, de l’archéologie, de l’urbanisme et du design. Au cours des dernières années, nous avons été témoin de l’émergence de nouvelles façons de faire mettant à contribution l’ordinateur non seulement dans le but d’optimiser les tâches techniques, mais également dans l’optique d’analyser les performances du projet ou de stimuler la créativité des designers.

La formation des futurs professionnels est devenue un défi de taille en raison de la disparité existant entre d’une part le rythme accéléré de développement des technologies numériques et, d’autre part, la mutation progressive de la pensée conceptuelle et des valeurs. Dans le cadre du colloque Europia11, un regard multidisciplinaire sera porté sur des contributions diverses dans les domaines de la théorie, de l’éducation et de la pratique afin de mettre en relief de nouvelles perspectives d’avenir..


New digital cultures bring inevitable changes to our world and to the techniques, research methods and practices of design. The computer technology transforms slowly but surely the professions of environmental planning, architecture, archaeology and design. In recent years, we witness the emergence of digital methods using computer not only for facilitating technical tasks, but also ...





