A small suggestion at the end of this year : think marginality, after Charlie Chaplin. You can fast address a proposals to participate to this interdisciplinary conference which is going to to explore relations between city and marginality in 2009.
This conference challenges academics and activist-scholars alike to reflect upon the realities and potentialities of research on marginalized urban populations in the context of their struggles. We invite scholarly contributions which illuminate issues of representation by exploring multiple axes of identity such as class, race, gender, ethnicity, age, ability or disability, and sexuality.
So, research on marginalized urban residents has been an academic cottage industry throughout the history of the social sciences – addressing social problems related to issues such as poverty, crime, youth, race, ethnicity, gender, health, and employment. To apprehend these notions of difference, conceptualizations of the poor, the underclass, the outcast, the ghetto, exclusion, marginality and others have been developed and applied. Inevitably, research defines and represents a group and, as such, influences everyday preconceptions and politico-administrative strategies, including policies, regulations and laws.
For all detailed information, the website of conference is online.