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Contentious Cities: Diversity, Injustice and the Building of a Fair Urban Environment.

[Call for paper abstracts] October 31, Session 16, RC21, ISA World Congress of Sociology, Gothenburg

Image1Globalizing cities are confronted with increasing flows of people (migrations), information and goods, leading to growing complexity and heterogeneity (rhythms, convictions, lifestyles, cultures, feelings, interests). This heterogeneity clashes with opposing trends of homogenisation related, for example, to the circulation of architectural models, the extension of neo-liberal policies and gentrifying processes.

As a result, contemporary cities are places of territorial and social conflicts playing a central role in their development. Those conflicts are processes where various scales, actors, objects and discourses interact and clash resulting in reproduction or transformation of urban order. Thus, behind urban conflicts lies the more fundamental question of how differences are integrated or excluded, that is how a (more or less) common world is built out of diversity or else how inequalities arise and are experienced leading to feelings of injustice and exclusion.

The study of urban conflicts is at the crossroad of many major debates of contemporary (urban) sociology, such as the one concerning the transformation of social movements and public policies, the evolution of inequalities, emerging feelings of injustice and exclusion, the links between distributive justice and recognition. In this perspective, this session welcomes innovative and dynamic approaches to urban conflicts. Studies mixing different data collection methods to grasp contentious dynamic in a comparative/historical way are particularly encouraged.

The ISA World Congress of Sociology will take place in Gothenburg, Sweden, on July 11-17, 2010. Paper abstracts (200 words) should be sent to session organizers (Luca Pattaroni and Tommaso Vitale) as well as conference coordinators (Fernando Diaz Orueta and Kuniko Fujita) by October 31, 2009.


Globalizing cities are confronted with increasing flows of people (migrations), information and goods, leading to growing complexity and heterogeneity (rhythms, convictions, lifestyles, cultures, feelings, interests). This heterogeneity clashes with opposing trends of homogenisation related, for example, to the circulation of architectural models, the extension of neo-liberal policies and gentrifying processes. As a result, contemporary cities ...





