
The Works heading gathers theoretical or methodological research papers that contribute to epistemological thinking in the social sciences and other fields of knowledge.

À la santé de qui ?

Cet article traite des discours professionnels sur le risque lié à la consommation d’alcool pendant la grossesse. Si le risque alcool et grossesse est défini comme un risque fœtal par l’ensemble des ...


Les carrefours migratoires mondiaux.

For many international migrants coming from West and Central Asia and heading for Western Europe, the Black Sea is a reference space. This paper specifically discusses two groups : the Balotchis from ...


Traverser l’espace.

This work is about the “traverser” as a scientific notion. It is understood as the stacking of rhythms and spatial figures. Building a relation between space of departure and arrival through a ...


Les traversées du quotidien.

Supposedly fluid, continuous and transparent, contemporary societies are in fact societies which divide, separate and cross boundaries. Micro-geography focuses on the numerous transformations that are part of daily life and have generated ...
